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Our Services

Behind the Scenes


If you are looking for a company with the professionalism and character to shoot a music video for you, you've came to the right website. We do the whole video shoot, followed by editing. You get 4k quality videos, exposure on my YouTube page and we get better with every one we shoot. Let's schedule a time.

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You got questions? We got answers.

Q: What is Trap207 and Beyond

A: It is a small business with big intentions. We are committed to showing the ups and downs of the state through music videos mostly. We also have other ways of showing it with short films, clothing, and alternative journalism outlook. 

Q: How much does a music video cost?

A: This is a question we get daily. It really depends on what you want. They can range anywhere from $75-1k. Just depends what you (the artist) wants to spend on it. Just remember, everything costs money. Cars, extra cameramen, fireworks, the time and the craft of labor is roughly $25 an hour.

Q: How long will it take for my video to be completed 

A: We are a small business, I do work quickly. I usually have a few day turnaround but at most a week.

Q: When is payment needed?

A: We ask you pay half of the shoot before the day of the shoot due to how many cancellations we have had in the early ages of the business. The other half is to be sent before we upload it to Youtube.

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The Struggle

Trap207 and Beyond was established in 2020 during the time the world shut down. I wanted to make some extra cash for myself as I was homeless and times were hard. Lost my father around the same time I made my first edition tee shirts. Bought 40 of them and sold them all face to face with folks as I sold them outta the trunk of my apartment, I mean car. 

In 2021 I found my passion for videography. Making music videos, editing them, promoting them, the whole nine. I had alot of buddies doing music and guys that had potential to be bigger then they think. I started brushing up on skills from other freelance videographers and YouTube University. 

Growing up and seeing parents that were low class citizens and somewhat menaces to society as some would call them. To me they were parents. Mom and Dad. They had drug problems and kleptomania. I came from some pot smoking modern day rebels that could only give me public school and ramen, and I turned out pretty decent. 

Let's face it, Maine isn't all it is made up to me. It's an amazingly unique place to live. It's stuck in the times in some aspects but you always will know the history of Maine runs deep. It's stuck in it's ways for a reason. 

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